Unlocking the bigger picture
Stay in control. Maintain a clear view.
Manage Risk.
Origami is an independent BESS portfolio management platform which seamlessly integrates physical & financial domains to unlock your assets’ true value with real-time performance insights. We operate in a complex and ever-evolving space, and we understand that it can often be challenging to navigate. Below is a selection of frequently asked questions which we hope you'll find helpful. Should you have any further inquiries, our team of experts will be happy to assist you.
What does Origami provide?
Origami provides a cutting-edge independent BESS Portfolio Management Platform which combines the physical and financial worlds to allow Asset Owners and Operators total visibility of their portfolio of assets across all markets, creating actionable insights, streamlining performance and generating optimal risk-adjusted returns throughout the asset lifecycle. The Origami Platform is a modern digital environment with clear, standardised interfaces for all 3rd parties, enabling more robust supply chain management, oversight, and frictionless change from the beginning.

Why Origami?
In an industry of increasingly complex revenue streams, extracting value from Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) poses growing challenges and opportunities for Asset Owners and Operators. Decisions on market participation, maintenance and strategy entail both costs and benefits. Understanding the true value of these decisions requires analysis of both sides. Origami puts Asset Owners and Operators in full control. We offer a modular SaaS solution which integrates data from your physical assets and financial movements, providing a comprehensive holistic view for informed decision-making.

When you say Origami is 'Independent', what do you mean?
Independence' has 3 key meanings in this case: Corporate Ownership, Product Offering and Impartiality.
1) Corporate Ownership - Origami's shareholders are financial backers. Origami is not part of a bigger/parent company e.g. an energy business, route-to-market provider (RTM) or an engineering-procurement-construction company (EPC). In many cases, if there is a technology subsidiary company within a broader parent company structure, the technology is often not the primary focus (non-core). The parent company also has a commercially vested interest in providing its core offering - e.g. selling energy; or selling batteries. Origami isn't motivated in this way.
2) Product Offering - Origami's software product and the associated data is deliberately decoupled (by design) from the traditional supply chain vendors (e.g. RTM, EPC, operations & maintenance providers O&M), which enables Origami's customers to choose their own suppliers of equipment, services and monetisation.
3) Impartiality: Origami is not a route-to-market provider (RTM) or an Optimiser. You may see us on National Grid auction results pages because we're often testing our software, which our BESS customers use to contract capacity with National Grid. We are always at the forefront of any market changes so we're constantly developing and testing our software. Part of this testing is entering into 'mock auctions' and acting as an Origami audience surrogate or proxy.

Why do I need an independent
BESS Portfolio Management Platform?
As the power balance shifts in the industry from supply chain vendors (e.g., of equipment, services, and monetisation) towards asset owner-operators funded by large inflows of capital, the role of an independent technology platform in the hands of the asset owner/operator is now absolutely critical. Origami’s software solution – including a digital backbone and a suite of increasingly powerful product applications – is fundamentally decoupled from, but interfaces with, supply chain vendors and their associated systems. In this way, our system puts full transparency and ownership of physical and financial data directly into the hands of the BESS owners and enables them to take informed actions based on unique insights. As a result, Origami’s system provides valuable business benefits both internally and externally:
It's a powerful BESS portfolio management tool for internal users to enable operational excellence to help deliver attractive through-life returns on asset investment, while simultaneously managing key risks; and
It's a modern digital environment with clear, standardised interfaces for external 3rd parties, enabling more robust supply chain management, oversight, and frictionless change across the portfolio and through any asset’s lifecycle.
In short, our independent BESS portfolio management platform provides physical and financial insights to help asset owners and investors to seize opportunities in all markets and geographies.

What are the key BESS Asset
Owner / Operator solutions?
Origami works with industry-leading BESS asset owner/operators and investors to maintain a strategic advantage around their most critical, high-value industry needs.
Standardisation across assets: Ensure that your 3rd party supply chain members (including your route-to-Market provider RTM), run/operate smoothly and harmoniously. A standard interface between the physical and digital worlds allows a truly holistic view and enables informed decision-making.
Live monitoring of your portfolio's physical parameters and financial performance in one place: Quickly identify the key areas of focus and take informed action, even as your portfolio grows and evolves.
Deriving insights into battery health, safety and degradation, leveraging third-party capabilities: Effectively mitigate the potential risks of battery operations, and better understand the variable costs of different operating regimes. Our platform simulates BESS asset behaviour and provides asset owner/operators with indications of how their assets are likely to behave. This supports best practice in operations and maintenance by providing predictive fire safety alerts and insights around when an asset is likely to require repairs. This information helps BESS owners to claim on warranty and insurance policies should the worst happen; and secures higher returns for longer.
Market benchmarking and analysis: Measure your performance against competitors and efficiently evolve your market strategies to retain a competitive advantage. Contextualise underperformance using physical and financial inputs and compare your assets’ efficiency against maximum revenue opportunities. Establish a useful understanding of downtime due to operational constraints. Identify where the biggest losses are occurring and improve your assets’ availability. Increase risk-adjusted returns and gain counterparty accountability.
Portfolio reporting: Efficiently extract and utilise powerful insights and integrate new workflows into your daily portfolio operations. Share useful information with both internal and external stakeholders.
Site control: Enjoy flexibility into an uncertain market future, afforded by increased independence over key aspects of asset operation.
Customer Support: Take advantage of our brilliant Origami team when needed.
In addition, I’d like to highlight the benefits of working with Origami into the future, over and above the product suite offering that's available today.
We are truly independent and have built our platform to serve the needs of IPP’s – we have no conflicts of interest
We are technically reliable – less than 1 hour of unplanned downtime in >3 years of providing C&D services to the market
We have cyber security baked into our product componentry and not added in as an afterthought
We can support you in making your digital decisions and becoming Origami-ready as you expand your portfolio
And finally:
We have a platform that can meet your operational needs today but has been built to grow and expand along with your portfolio into the future and will enable you to take greater control and ownership of your asset strategies whilst preserving your own IP.

Do you trade assets?
Is Origami a BESS optimiser?
No, Origami is not an RTM or Optimiser. You may see us on National Grid auction results pages because we're often testing our software, which our BESS customers use to contract capacity with National Grid. We are always at the forefront of any market changes, so we're constantly developing and testing our software product. Part of this testing is entering into 'mock auctions' and acting as a customer surrogate or proxy.

Is Origami a BESS Project Developer?
No. We are a technology company. Several years ago, we partially developed 2 initial 10MW BESS projects up to a certain pre-construction level, in order to help 'kick start' the BESS market in the UK, and to help our core technology division gain experience of managing BESS on our tech platform, and to help secure one of our first BESS customers.

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